ALUMINIUM: Aluminum LME inventory data declined 7650 points and stood at 4445600 on 1ST AUGUST 2011.
COPPER : Copper LME inventory data was 466550 on 1ST August, decreased by525 points and
NICKEL: LME inventory data of Nickel stood 103098 on 1ST August 2011, increased by 558 points; data on 29th July 2011 was 102540.
LEAD: Lead LME inventory data decreased by approx 775 points as compare on 29th july 2011 data, 311450 and stood at 310675 on 1ST August 2011.
ZINC: On 1ST August 2011, Zinc LME inventory data stood at 889325, 225 less than the data 889550 on 29th July.
TIN : TIN LME inventory data rested at 20815 on 1ST August 2011, declined 50 points from 20865 on 29th July.
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